Call for Paper for a Special Issue of the Journal of Service Management, tied to QUIS18.
Re-imagining Service for a World Never Imagined
Guest Editors: L. Bove, S. Choi, & C. King
Deadline: 31 August 2023
Recent times have been turbulent with the pandemic, political upheaval, war, protests, natural disasters, and inflation changing our world, leaving no one unaffected. Service has had to adapt in response to sanctions, new laws, regulations, and an energy crisis, as well as altered consumer behaviors and needs. Glaringly are the stark contrasts between affluent consumers who look to service to give meaning to their lives and vulnerable consumers who seek service in order to survive. Some service providers have seized the challenges and created new opportunities, others have been forced to change in order to exist, yet others have simply given up. But it is not only the service offering that has had to adapt, front-line staff have had to take on new scripts and roles, and accept fewer resources to enable them to deliver on the promised value proposition. Whilst labour shortages and significant drop-out rates have allowed many service professionals to maintain their remote working model, those in low-wage service sector jobs continue largely to endure the commute expense, as they interact with stressed, confused, frustrated, fatigued, frightened and/or sick customers.
In light of the above, the Journal of Service Management calls for papers that address any aspect of the recent changes and their implications for actors in the service ecosystem. In particular, in keeping with the theme of QUIS18, this special issue will focus on how service has or could be reimagined in response to the current climate to enhance human life and society.
Topics may include but are not limited to:
– Existing service businesses and start-ups that have capitalized on the challenges and developed new markets or improved (or modified) their service
– Consumer psychology and behavioral changes in response to recent turbulences, leading to new opportunities and challenges to service businesses
– Changes in the relationship and dynamics between countries that affect service business practices in areas such as supply and demand management.
– How service is changing in the face of social and racial inequality brought to the forefront of the political landscape
– The intersection of the public and private sectors to enhance service delivery necessary for the wellbeing of the community
– Changing consumer lifestyles and attitudes, leading to a dramatic reconfiguration of service businesses and their social purpose
– New ways of using AI and machines for surveillance, social credit ratings, etc
– Application of new technologies to facilitate the service experience
– New scripts for front-line employees
– Workplace redesign as service organizations reimagine their employment value proposition and relationship with their workforce
– Emerging trends in power and politics that impact service use
Selection Process:
As this special issue is directly tied to the QUIS 18 conference, only submissions accepted to the conference and have at least one author registered by April 30, 2023 will be considered. Initial selection of extended conference abstracts (1000 words) for their suitability for the special issue will be undertaken by the guest editors in conjunction with the journal editor. Selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers through the ScholarOne system by August 31st 2023 for publication in the special issue in June 2024. All papers will undergo the standard double-blind review process.
All queries for this special issue can be directed to the guest editors: Liliana Bove, Sunmee Choi, or Ceridwyn King.
More info here.