The SERVSIG Service Literature Alert System is a computer-aided system to identify service research articles published in Marketing, Management, Operations, Productions, Information Systems & Service Journals. The compiled list cannot replace your own literature review in your area of research, but it could help stay up-to-date by being notified about the latest published service articles.
Regarding the methodology: In total, we search systematically 36 publication outlets. We differentiate between Service specific journals and more generic Marketing, Management, Information Systems, Operations & Production Management, and Practitioners Oriented and journals. We identify Service articles based on the keyword “service” in the published abstracts. All results will be screened by two researchers regarding service relevance (e.g. ignoring random phrases like “product and service”). All articles in Service-specific journals are counted as service articles.
Considered Service-specific journals were Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Service Industries Journal, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, and Service Science.
Considered Marketing journals were Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Marketing Science, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Industrial Marketing Management, Marketing Letters, Psychology & Marketing, and Journal of Business Research.
Considered Management journals are Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of Product Innovation Management
Considered Information Systems journals are MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, and Journal of Management Information Systems.
Considered Operations & Production Management journals are Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Production & Operations Management.
Considered Practitioners Oriented journals are Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, and California Management Review.
The field of service research is broad and our system is computer automated. Therefore, we are aware that some relevant service articles might not be identified by this system (especially, if the author(s) did not mention the word “service” in their abstract). If you would like to include one of your service research articles, published in the respective time frame (quarterly), in our list, please send me an e-mail with the article information (in the same format as below).
We hope you enjoy this new service offered by SERVSIG.
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Werner Kunz
Editor SERVSIG News