2023 SERVSIG Best Service Article Award Winners

This year’s SERVSIG Best Service Article Award Winners and finalists were announced and congratulated at the Frontiers in Service conference in Florida. This award is presented annually to the author(s)...

Grewal – 2024 Christopher Lovelock Award Winner

This year’s SERVSIG Awards winners were announced and congratulated at the Frontiers in Service conference in Florida. The winner of the Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award...

SERVSIG Doctoral Consortium 2024 (+ Liam Glynn Travel Scholarship)

The AMA SERVSIG is pleased to announce the 30th Annual SERVSIG Doctoral Consortium, preceding the Frontiers in Service Conference, hosted by Florida State University at the Omni Resort on the enchanted...

Interview with Matthew Alexander – SERVSIG Host 2022

SERVSIG seeks proposals to host the 14th SERVSIG conference in 2026. SERVSIG Co-Chairs Kristina Heinonen and Sertan Kabadayi interviewed professor Matthew Alexander, the conference chair of the 12th SERVSIG conference...

Meet SERVSIG Social Impact Officer Rebekah Russell-Bennett

SERVSIG is proud to announce Rebekah Russell-Bennett as the inaugural Social Impact Officer of the SERVSIG board. The Social Impact Officer is a new role in recognition of the increasing...

Meet SERVSIG Engagement Officer Lorena Blasco-Arcas

SERVSIG is proud to announce Lorena Blasco-Arcas as the new Engagement Officer of the SERVSIG board. The Engagement Officer is responsible to design new engagement initiatives and to serve as...

SERVSIG turns 30

Open Mic 17 June 2023, 17:00-17.45 Frontiers in Service Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands Join us to celebrate SERVSIG’s 30th birthday at the Frontiers in Service Conference in Maastricht. In this “open mic”...

SERVSIG Webinar with Jim Spohrer

Dear all, Many of you attended previous online seminars, and now we have the pleasure to invite you to the next one. On May 9th, 2023, 3pm CET, you are all...

SERVSIG Reviewer Workshop

Learn the Do’s and Don’ts as Journal Reviewer   You are a PhD or Post-Doc student and your supervisor has asked you to review a paper for a journal … now...

Announcing the SERVSIG 2024 conference

Guest article by Jonas Holmqvist, Conference Chair for SERVSIG 2024. We are thrilled to announce that the SERVSIG 2024 conference will be organized here at Kedge Business School in beautiful Bordeaux, in the south of France,...

SERVSIG Meet with Editors – Video

The SERVSIG Mentorship Initiative has hosted a virtual discussion with editors of top services journals on February 7th, 2023, 4-5pm ET in the US (NY) Panelists:       – Ming-Hui Huang, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of...

SERVSIG Mentorship Panel Discussion: Meet with Editors

Early-Career Services Scholars: Meet with Editors of Top Services Journals! The SERVSIG Mentorship Initiative will host a virtual discussion with editors of top services journals. This is intended for early-career...