Call for Paper

CFP JSM: Service Complexities in Latin American Countries

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Services Marketing. “Service Complexities in Latin American Countries” Co-Guest editors: Barrios A, Del Giudice O & Rosenbaum M Deadline:...

CFP JIM: Intelligent Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of International Marketing “Intelligent Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing” Guest Co-Editors: Bonfrer A, Laszlo Sajtos L, Wirtz J &...

CFP JMM: Customer Experiences

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Journal of Marketing Management. “Designing for Customer Experiences that Matter” Guest co-editors: Dampérat M, Jeannot F & Jongmans E. Deadline: 7 April...

CFP JSM: Making Service Work Decent Work

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Services Marketing. “Making Service Work Decent Work: Marketing Perspectives to Uplift Human Well-Being and Service Excellence” Co-Guest editors: Colurcio...

CFP JSM: Services in a Rapidly Changing World

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Services Marketing. “Services in a Rapidly Changing World” Co-Guest editors: Holmqvist J, Kabadayi S & Winfrey D Deadline: 17...

CfP JCM: Neuroscientific insights on retail and services

Call for paper for a Special Issue in Journal of Consumer Marketing. Neuroscientific insights on retail and services Guest editors: Rancati G, Verhulst N & Shams P Deadline: 15 January...

CfP ER: Managing the Twin Transformation

Call for paper for a Special Issue of Employee Relations: The International Journal Managing the Twin Transformation: Driving Sustainability and Digitalisation in Organisations Guest editors: Ruiner C, Büttgen M, Weber E, Otto S, &...

CfP JSTP: Crafting Immersive Service Experiences

Call for paper for a Special Issue of the Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Crafting Immersive Service Experiences: Bridging Fiction and Reality Guest editors: Malodia S, Kunz W, Shukla...

CfP IR: AI for a Better Future

Call for paper for a Special Issue of Internet Research. AI for a Better Future Guest editors: Abboud L, Ameen N, Pitardi V and Shin H. Deadline: 1 December 2024...

CfP JCM: Sharing & Collaborative Consumption

Call for paper for a Special Issue in Journal of Consumer Marketing. Sharing Services Systems and Collaborative Consumption in a Rapidly Changing Environment. Guest editors: Guyader H, Albinsson PA, &...

CfP JBR: Strength-Based Approaches to Customer Vulnerability

Call for papers for a Special Issue of Journal of Business Research (JBR). “Strength-Based Approaches to Customer Vulnerability: Implications for Service Research and Practice“ Guest Editors: Russell-Bennett R, Kabadayi S &...

CfP JSR: Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Consumers

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Service Research.  Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Consumers Guest Editors: Hill R., Price L & Bone S Submission deadline: 1 October...