This year’s SERVSIG Best Dissertation Award winner (and finalists) were announced and congratulated at the SERVSIG 2024 conference in Bordeaux. Join us again in complimenting them!

The SERVSIG Board is thankful to Maastricht University for sponsoring this award. Also thanks go to the independent award committee members who diligently worked on the selection process — Cristina Mele (Chair), Chia-Chiu Chang, Nima Heirati and Ingo Karpen.

Congratulations to the winner: The Khoa Do (Bin) — for his dissertation titled “Helping or Hurting: Using Assertive Language for Virtual Agents in Conversational Commerce Introduction”.

Congratulations also to the finalists: 
Marah Blaurock (“Artificial intelligence and robots in services – theory and management of (future) human–robot service interactions”)
Tohid Ghanbarpour (“Doing Good and Doing Well: Creating Value through Corporate Social Responsibility”)

All three have been invited to tell us more about their research – stay tuned!

Read more and see previous winners of the award here.

