First Annual BESH Doctoral Research Award
Deadline: 1 March 2020

KU Research Institute for Business and Economics in Service of Humanity (BESH) is pleased to invite applications for the 1st Annual BESH Doctoral Research Award from doctoral candidates in the fields of Business or Economics. BESH will award three prizes for top doctoral research (cash prices of 1500 EUR, 1000 EUR, and 500 EUR). Applicants should be currently enrolled in a doctoral or PhD program, should not have completed their Ph.D. at the time of application, and should submit research that has at least some empirical work completed at the time of application.

Winners will be invited to present their research at the BESH Doctoral Consortium on May 28, 2020 and to collect their prizes at an awards ceremony. Each of the three winners will also be awarded a travel stipend of 500 EUR and will not be required to pay the Doctoral Consortium fee. The selection committee for the awards comprises of the four founding research chairs of BESH. The primary criteria for the awards are originality, theoretical and methodological rigor, and, likely impact of the research. Submissions of interdisciplinary papers in business and economics are especially encouraged.

Topic for this Year’s BESH Doctoral Research Award: Well-Being
BESH invites doctoral candidates in Business or Economics to submit their best empirical work on the topic of well-being. Sub topics include (but are not limited to) physical well-being, financial well-being, dimensions of well-being, well-being of vulnerable individuals including but not limited to migrants, lifestyle and well-being, sustainability and well-being, technology and well-being, measurement issues in well-being.

Submission Guidelines
Please submit an extended abstract (maximum word limit: 2000 words; figures, tables, and references are not included in the word limit) in a single PDF file with the following information included within the document:
1. Title of the Research
2. Full Name, Affiliation, and Contact Email Address
3. Motivation, Theoretical Foundation, Description of the Empirical Work (Study designs, Methods, Results and Analyses), Theoretical and Managerial/Policy Implications, Limitations and Future Research.

Please note that only extended abstracts adhering to the above-mentioned guidelines will be accepted.

Please follow these guidelines for submitting your entry:
1. Submit your entry by sending your extended abstract in one single PDF document, via email,
2. Please use the following for the Subject of your email: BESH Doctoral Award Application
3. Please include the following, clearly, in the body of your email: your full name, your university affiliation, and your contact email address.

Submission deadline is 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, March 1, 2020. Late entries will not be accepted. Notification of awards will be made via email by April 1, 2020.

BESH Doctoral Consortium: May 28, 2020
We are pleased to announce the 1st Annual BESH Doctoral Consortium for young researchers (doctoral and post-doctoral candidates). The consortium will feature a small and intimate setting for young researchers to interact and discuss their research with successful, internationally renowned, research professors and participate in sessions on the publication process, crafting original research, and developing a research pipeline. The consortium will also feature a poster session for young researchers and a networking reception. Applicants interested in attending the doctoral consortium are required to pay a modest participation fee of 100 EUR, and make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. For no extra fee, consortium participants will also have the opportunity to attend the 2nd Annual BESH Research Symposium the next day, on May 29, 2020, featuring research presentations by internationally renowned scholars – Prof. Aline Bütikofer (NHH Bergen), Prof. Andrew Clark (PSE Paris), and Prof. Vanessa Patrick (University of Houston). The Doctoral Consortium and the Research Symposium will be held in Ingolstadt the at WFI – Ingolstadt School of Management, KU, Germany.

About BESH
KU Research Institute for Business and Economics in Service of Humanity (BESH) was established in 2019. The aim of BESH is to develop, publish and elevate collaborative, interdisciplinary research in Business and Economics that address urgent challenges facing humanity. These include challenges and topics in health, education, financial well-being, migration, responsible consumption, digitization and the labor market, and the development of smart and sustainable service offerings. BESH is an initiative of four professors at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the WFI Ingolstadt School of Management (in alphabetical order): Prof. Alexander Danzer (Chair of Microeconomics), Prof. Jens Hogreve (Chair of Service Management), Prof. Shashi Matta (Chair of Innovation and Creativity) and Prof. Simon Wiederhold (Chair of Macroeconomics).
More info here.

