Call for Paper

CfP JSTP: Net Zero in Digital Services

Call for paper for a Special Issue in Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Business model innovation and transformation towards net zero in digital services: theoretical foundations and industry implications...

CfP Tourism Management: Generative AI

Call for Paper for a Virtual Special Issue of Tourism Management. Fostering Responsible Generative Artificial Intelligence in Tourism Guest Editors: McCabe S, Li X, Cheah JH, Hollebeek LD, Ameen N...

CfP JSTP: Immersive Service Experiences

Call for paper for a Special Issue in Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Crafting Immersive Service Experiences: Bridging Fiction and Reality Guest editors: Malodia S, Kunz W, Shukla Y...

CfP JCM: Anthropomorphised AI

Call for papers for a Special Issue of Journal of Consumer Marketing. Marketing with Anthropomorphised AI: Insights from Consumers Guest Editors: NP Rana, V Charles, & V Jain. Deadline: 31...

CfP JPIM “Innovation in Emerging Economies”

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Product Innovation Management. “Innovation in Emerging Economies” Co-Guest editors: G Athaide, SP Raj, & J Sheth Deadline: 31 March 2024 Emerging...

CFP JSM: “Service Interaction Vulnerability”

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Services Marketing. “The whole is better than the sum of the parts: A service ecosystems approach to service interaction...

CfP Human Resource Management: Frontline Service Employees

Call for Paper for a Special Issue of Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management on the Frontlines: Confronting the Challenges of Service Work Transformation Guest Editors: Subramony M, Collings DG,...

CfP JSTP “Service Marketing for Good”

Call for paper for a Special Issue in the Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Service Marketing for Good Guest editors: Finsterwalder J, Tuzovic S & Aslan M Submission deadline: 31 May 2024...

CfP JSR: “GenAl Service”

Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the Journal of Service Research. Generative Artificial Intelligence Guest Editors: Böhmann T, Tuunanen T, Maglio P & Fehrer J Submission deadline: 1...

CfP JBR: “Climate Change Engagement”

Special Issue of Journal of Business Research (JBR) Fostering Consumers’ Climate (Change) Engagement Guest Co-Editors: Hollebeek L, Filieri R, Calder B & Sprott D Deadline: 1 May 2024 In the last fifteen...

CfP EM: “Service research in the digital era”

Call for paper for a Special Issue of Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business. Service research in the digital era. Guest editors: Mele C, Polese F, Spohrer J &...

CfP JSTP: Qualitative Digital Methods

Call for paper for a Special Issue in Journal of Service Theory and Practice. Qualitative Digital Methods to Advance Service Theory and Practice Guest editors: R. Kozinets & U. Gretzel Submission deadline: 30 January...