We would like to request nominations for the

SERVSIG 2023 Best Service Article Award 

The “SERVSIG Best Service Article Award” is presented annually by SERVSIG to the author(s) of the best article in the services literature published during the previous calendar year (i.e. 2023). General topics may include (but are not limited to) services marketing and service management. The article should have appeared in an English language refereed journal during 2023. (Only articles that were published in print during 2023 will be considered for this award, which means, Early Cite/Online First articles are not eligible)

– Candidates for a SERVSIG Award do not have to be a member of SERVSIG or the AMA to be eligible for the award.
– Candidates may be from anywhere in the world. Since its inception, SERVSIG has sought to be globally oriented and globally active.
– Candidates for the awards do not have to be academics. SERVSIG recognizes the vital link between academia and business practice.

SERVSIG would like to thank the following members for their willingness to serve on this year’s committee:
• Tobias Schäfers (Chair) – Denmark
• Dominique Greer – Australia 
• Hyunjeong “Spring” Han – Japan
• Suvi Nenonen – Sweden 

If you would like to nominate a paper please email the full citation of your nominated paper to the Selection Committee Chair Prof. Tobias Schäfers no later than February 15, 2024.

Past winners can be viewed here.

We look forward to receiving your nominations soon! 

Sertan Kabadayi and Kristina Heinonen

Photo by Kelly Sikkema. 

