Call for Papers for the
Boston, MA
August 16-18, 2024

Submission deadline: February 7, 2024

We encourage submissions that focus on various topics related to services, retailing, and sales. These topics should examine emerging issues related to technology’s role in transforming and elevating the experiences of individual consumers, communities, and societies.

Topics of interest for the track include, but are not limited to:
• Emerging technology challenges and opportunities in services, retailing, and sales.
• Innovations in services, retailing, or sales to better understand customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors and to better satisfy customers.
• The use of artificial intelligence, chatbots, and other digital technologies to enhance customer experience and customer engagement.
• Data privacy and security in retailing, services, and sales.
• Technological disruptions in payment services and their impact on various customer segments.
• Racial and social justice initiatives in services, retail, and sales.
• The use of technology in services, retail and sales to tackle climate change.
• Experiential retail and service design, co-creation and innovation.
• Emerged and evolution of service ecosystems.
• Serving and selling to consumers experiencing vulnerabilities.
• Transformative service research: from well-being to flourishing.
• Responsible technologies for peer-to-peer services.
• Personalized and/or interactive shopping experience.
• Integration of multiple channels and omnichannel selling.
• Salesperson motivation (including compensation, supervisors’ behaviors, etc.) and well-being.
• Technology-related ethical dilemmas and impactful research on services, retail, and sales.

Track chairs:
Carl-Philip Ahlbom (University of Bath)
Rodoula H. Tsiotsou (University of Macedonia)

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