Queensland University of Technology (QUT),
Centre of Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology,
Brisbane, Australia
PhD student scholarship for research in the energy sector

Applications Deadline: 30 March 2022

The Development of an Australian Energy Trust Index

This PhD project is a unique opportunity to contribute to both theory and practice as the student will work closely with in the energy sector. The supervisors for this project are Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennett (Principal Supervisor, QUT Marketing), Professor Terry Flew (University of Sydney), Dr John Gardner (CSIRO) and Professor Ian Lings (QUT Marketing).

This PhD will benchmark levels of trust across the energy sector supply chain and from different stakeholder perspectives. The PhD by publication will commence with a rapid review for the purpose of identify existing conceptualisations, metrics and drivers of trust across multiple industries and energy. The second study will involve the development of a rigorous measurement instrument that triangulates data from multiple sources. The third and final study will test the instrument across multiple perspectives to determine nomological validity. This topic aligns with two RACE themes; E1 Trust Building for Collaborative Win-Win Customer Solutions and H4 Rewarding Flexible Demand: Customer.

This scholarship is funded from the RACE for Energy CRC and Essential Energy. RACE for 2030 (RACE) aims to accelerate the transition to Reliable, Affordable, Clean Energy by 2030 through innovation focused on energy end users and the networks that supply them. The Industry PhD Program (the program) is engaging industry and universities to train the future workforce through practical, demand driven research projects. Industry partners, in conjunction with academia, provide the Industry PhD research agenda based on their societal knowledge of pressing needs and issues. RACE PhD candidates (candidates) will have individual and collective passions that can be harnessed to create positive, impactful actions, outcomes, and change.

This scholarship provides the opportunity to develop advanced research skills, contribute to an important global issue and engage meaningfully with industry. You’ll receive:
– a living allowance of AU$38,000 per annum for three years
– the opportunity to develop advanced research skills, contribute to an important global issue and engage meaningfully with industry.

– meet the QUT academic and English language entry requirements for QUT’s Doctor of Philosophy
– have a first-class honours (H1) qualification or equivalent in a relevant social science field, for example, marketing, psychology, management, communication or behavioural economics
– demonstrate competence in statistical analysis of quantitative social science data
– demonstrate an ability to produce high level literature reviews
– have excellent communication skills.

Email your CV, an academic transcript, and a letter outlining your fit with the eligibility criteria to the co-director of the Centre of Behavioural Economics, Society and Technology, Professor Rebekah Russell-Bennett.

Course commencement is expected to be by 2 Semester 2022.

Full information here.

