Faculty of Management, WFI Ingolstadt School of Management, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germany)
Junior Professorship of Digital Marketing (W1 with tenure track to W3)
Application Deadline: 5 December 2021.
The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU) is a non-state university under church leadership and officially recognized by the Free State of Bavaria. It is committed to strong research and excellent teaching and combines first-class study conditions with an international focus. Eight faculties offer a wide range of subjects for around 5,000 students. The University employs 900 people of different faiths and beliefs. Grounded in the Christian view of human life, the KU aims to create an academic and educational culture of responsibility.
Our Faculty of Management – WFI Ingolstadt School of Management invites applications for the Junior Professorship of Digital Marketing (W1 with tenure track to W3) to be filled by October 1, 2022. This tenure track professorship is financed by the federal states and government program for promoting young researchers. The common guiding principle for the acquired professorships is the topic “For a human-centered digital society”. The aim is to approach the transformation of politics, the industry and society that is caused by ongoing digitalization within the research and teaching practice.
Employment will be effected on the basis of a temporary public servant or private law employment relationship in pay grade W1. The employment relationship is initially limited to three years. After successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by another three years. In case of a successful tenure evaluation and subject to fulfillment of the employment law requirements, the position of the tenure track professor will be transferred into a public servant employment relationship for a permanent professorship with pay grade W3.
The KU is committed to increasing the percentage of female professors and therefore explicitly encourages female researchers to apply.
The KU is committed to promoting equal opportunities for men and women, and aims to ensure that its members are able to balance work and family life. Candidates with severe disabilities who are equally suitable to other applicants will be prioritized.
Your responsibilities
You will work independently on research projects on digital marketing, e.g. on topics like social media marketing, online marketing, innovative digital business models, digital platforms, sharing economy, (re-)targeting, search engine marketing, e-commerce, virtual and augmented reality, digital assistants or gamification. You will work on these topics against the background of at least one of the three areas of data-driven marketing, consumer behavior or marketing strategy.
The KU as well as the WFI expect the successful applicant to pursue cooperative international and interdisciplinary research and will encourage you in this undertaking. You will demonstrate your ability to acquire peer-reviewed third-party funding for our research area and strengthen your own and the WFI’s scientific profile.
You will represent the subject of digital marketing with references to the core areas of marketing (product, price, promotion, and place) in teaching. You will hold classes in German and English especially in the Master’s program Business Administration (specialization MARKT), as well as in the Bachelor’s program Business Administration (Major in Management & Marketing). You will coordinate the development of your teaching program with the other chairs that are involved in these specializations. We would welcome the successful candidate to take an active part in the academic self-administration.
Furthermore, active participation in the Artificial Intelligence Ingolstadt gGmbH (AININ) is desired. In addition, the successful candidate is also expected to directly contribute to the KU tenure track topic “For a human-centered digital society”.
Your profile
– You have an outstanding doctoral degree.
– Experience in research and teaching in the field of digital marketing – track record of publications/contributions to conferences and teaching evaluations.
– Proven expertise in the application and/or development of digital methods in research and teaching
– If the candidate was employed as a research associate or research assistant before or after the doctoral degree, the total period of employment including the doctoral phase must not have exceeded six years at the point in time of appointment in accordance with Article 14 sentence 3 et seqq. BayHSchPG (Bavarian Law on Academic Personnel of Higher Education Institutions). This maximum permissible period of time may be extended by periods of parental leave among other reasons.
– Candidates who have completed their doctoral degree at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt must have changed to another university after their doctoral degree or must have carried out academic work outside the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt for at least two years.
– The KU pursues a policy of intensive student mentoring and therefore expects its teaching staff to spend a considerable amount of time on campus.
– Furthermore, the successful candidate should have a very good command of the English language and should be able to teach classes in English.
Our services
In accordance with the guiding principles of excellence, international profile and individual development, the KU Tenure Track Model offers attractive framework conditions for strengthening independent research at an early stage, international networking as well as personal development as an academic leader. Further information is available at tenure track appointment procedures : Katholische Universität Eichstätt – Ingolstadt (ku.de).
Your application
For any queries about the application process, please contact Prof. Dr. Katja Gelbrich. Please send your application with the usual supporting documents to the Dean’s Office of WFI Ingolstadt School of Management (please combine all documents in one PDF file) by December 5, 2021. In addition to the usual documents, please also submit a distinctive concept (no longer than two pages) that outlines your contribution to the implementation of the KU tenure track principle “For a human-centered digital society” (Digitalisierung: Katholische Universität Eichstätt – Ingolstadt (ku.de)). All submitted application documents will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations after the hiring process has been completed.All employees are obliged to acknowledge the nature and mission of the KU as stipulated in its Mission Statement and Foundation Charter. The University is therefore interested in receiving applications with relevant information in this regard. The Charter of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Foundation, which supports the University, is available for download from the website of the KU in German with an English translation.