Special Issue of Service Science

Reimagining the Science of Service in a Post-Pandemic World

Guest Editors:

Guest Editors
M. Fisher, A. Neely, & R. Verma

Deadline: 31 August 2020

H0: Change is the only constant in life (Heraclitus of Ephesus)
Ha: The more things change, the more they stay the same (Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr and Jon Bon Jovi)

A fundamental question looms ahead as the world begins the process of re-opening for the post-COVID19 era — which aspects of the conventional wisdom, scholarly knowledge, and industry best-practices should continue as before and which should be questioned, revised, and reimagined?

Life under COVID-19 has given us a glimpse of a perhaps not too distant future where products and services are delivered to our doorsteps anywhere any time and on an on-demand basis. Entire sectors of the economy are being transformed by, among others, remote work, online learning, tele-health, e-commerce, e-fitness, and the on-demand streaming of music and video content.

The purpose of this special issue of Service Science is to examine exisiting knowledge and explore new opportunities for the post COVID world. Service Science publishes innovative and original papers on all topics related to service, including work that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. It is the primary forum for presenting new theories and new empirical results in the emerging, interdisciplinary science of service, incorporating research, education, and practice, documenting empirical, modeling, and theoretical studies of service and service systems.

Submissions are invited for thought-provoking articles that provide conceptual, empirical, industry-specific, topic/theme-specific and/or practice-specific insights for any aspect of service science for the post COVID world.

Submission Process and Timing
The authors are requested to submit an extended abstract (up to 1000 words) outlining the major theme of the paper. Deadline: August 31, 2020. Please submit abstracts directly to Guest Editor Rohit Verma (rohit.verma@cornell.edu). Do not submit anything to ScholarOne Manuscripts at this time.

Feedback from the editorial team will be provided by September 30, 2020.
Complete Manuscript Submission: November 15, 2020.
Final Decision (subject to minor revisions): February 15, 2021

More info here.

