Dear Service Researcher,

We hope you are keeping well and safe. We have been monitoring the rapidly spreading COVID-19 pandemic with alarm.

Due to the rapidly changing situation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated travel restrictions, the SERVSIG 2020 Conference Co-Chairs (Team of Rebekah Russell-Bennett from Queensland University of Technology) in consultation with Ray (in his role of SERVSIG’s Conference Curator), Linda and Bart (in our role of SERVSIG co-chairs) assessed its impact on the SERVSIG 2020 Conference.

We decided that we had no other option but to cancel the SERVSIG 2020 Conference and Student Research Colloquium. We are very disappointed that we cannot deliver the conference that we have all planned so carefully and that we were looking forward to attending. We know many of you were planning on attending and presenting your latest work, so this is a very painful decision for all of us. 

We are tremendously grateful to Rebekah and Dominique for the energy, thoughts, and creativity they have put into organizing the conference They have spent tremendous hours of time preparing, reviewing, and organizing a very exciting program for us to enjoy. 

Alas, none of us was prepared for a massive global pandemic. This is a difficult time for everyone and we are seeing many organizations struggle to cope with this pandemic.

We hope you are all keeping well and safe and we look forward to seeing you at future SERVSIG events. 

Best regards, 
Ray, Linda and Bart

