7th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference (NRWC)
3–5 November 2020
School of Business, Economics and Statistics,
Umeå University, Sweden
Deadline (750-1000 words abstract): 15 May 2020
Extended till 15 June 2020
The retail industry is in disruption and shopper behavior is evolving. Keeping up with the pace of modern technology such as big data, AI, AR, VR, and gamification is a challenge, as well as an opportunity, that the retail industry faces.
New technologies are creating new ways to do business, making it important to find a balance between what worked in the past and what is needed in the future. For example, the sharing economy (sharing/renting instead of buying) is a growing trend that the industry needs to consider. Digitalization is believed to have potential to improve sustainability, or at least reduce the negative impact of retail on the environment.
We are living in a time where we cannot ignore the changes that are happening and therefore firms, as well as individuals, have to keep up with the pace of modern technology in order to be prepared for the future that is already here.
– Marketing and consumer behavior (co-creation, branding, in-store marketing)
– Sustainability in retail (CSR, sharing economy, circular business models)
– Digital interaction (AR, VR, AI, gamification, social media)
– Logistics (distribution channels, supply chain management, omni-channel)
– Retail firm strategy (localization strategies, pricing and bundling strategies)
– New retail concepts (SME/family firms, pop-up stores, store experience)
– Retail in society (urban and regional development, employment in retail)
We invite submissions in all areas of retailing and wholesaling. To facilitate discussion and presentation of very recent work, full papers are not required for participation but encouraged. To support submission of full papers, Handelsrådet and Hakon Swenson Stiftelsen sponsor awards for best full paper and best student paper. Furthermore, qualifying full papers will be considered for publication in a special issue.
Please submit a two-page abstract (750-1000 words) on https://www.trippus.net/NRWC2020-abstracts no later May 15th 2020. All submissions must be in English and according to the template on the registration page. Abstracts will be arranged by tracks according to common interests.
Please refer any questions to NRWC2020@umu.se.
Important dates and deadlines [updated 11 May 2020]
• Deadline submission of extended abstracts: June 15
• Acceptance notification: July 1
• Deadline Doctorial Colloquium: August 31
• Submission of full paper, if applicable: September 15
• Deadline for registration for NRWC 2020: September 15
• Doctorial Colloquium: November 3
• NRWC conference: November 3 – 5
The conference fee of 3 000 SEK includes conference material, coffee, lunches, conference dinner and welcome reception.
More info here.