The “SERVSIG Best Service Article Award” is presented annually by SERVSIG to the author(s) of the best article in the service literature published during the previous calendar year (2017). SERVSIG thanks the following committee members for their commitment and their work:

  • Chair: Rod Brodie
  • Elina Jaakkola
  • Jan Schumann
  • Wolfgang Ulaga
  • Jenny Van Doorn

Based on the proposals from the community and a defined procedure the award committees chose the winning article. The past years winners can be checked out here

SERVSIG Best Service Article Award for 2017

Jens Hogreve, Anja Iseke, Klaus Derfuss, & Tonnjes Eller
The Service–Profit Chain: A Meta-Analytic Test of a Comprehensive Theoretical Framework
, Journal of Marketing, 81 (May), 41–61

Abstract: The service–profit chain (SPC) has served as a prominent guidepost for service managers and researchers alike. This meta-analysis provides the first comprehensive test of the SPC, showing that all the proposed links are statistically significant and substantial. However, the effect sizes vary considerably, partly according to the type of service provided. Meta-analytic structural equation models show that internal service quality translates into service performance through various mechanisms beyond employee satisfaction, and they highlight the importance of the service encounter and customer relationship characteristics for customer responses. The findings not only indicate the need to integrate complementary paths in the SPC framework but also challenge the implicit SPC rationale that firms should always maximize employee satisfaction and external service quality to optimize firm performance.

Highly Commended Articles

Beibei Dong & K. Sivakumar “Customer Participation in Services: Domain, Scope, and Boundaries”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45 (6), 944–965

Ming-Hui Huang & Roland T. Rust “Technology-Driven Service Strategy”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45 (6), 906-924

Rebecca W. Hamilton, Roland T. Rust, Michel Wedel & Chekitan S. Dev,  “Return on Service Amenities”, Journal of Marketing Research, 54 (February), 96-110

  • General topics may include (but are not limited to) service marketing and service management. The article should have appeared in an English language refereed journal during 2014.
  • Candidates for a SERVSIG Award do not have to be a member of SERVSIG or the AMA to be eligible or to win.
  • Candidates may be from anywhere in the world. From the beginning, SERVSIG has sought to be globally oriented and globally active.
  • Candidates for the awards do not have to be academics. SERVSIG recognizes the vital link between academe and business practice.

