The “Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award” is presented annually by SERVSIG to the individual whose teaching, research and service have had the greatest long-term impact on the development of the services discipline. Career contributions of the candidates should be of long duration, preferably 15 to 20 years. Contributions to the services discipline should be significant, frequent, and include recent contributions. SERVSIG thanks this years committee members for their commitment and their work:

  • Chair:  Timothy Keiningham
  • José Bloemer
  • Irene Ng
  • Roland Rust
  • Per Kristensson

Based on the proposals from the community and a defined procedure the award committees chose the recipient. The past years winners can be checked out here.

Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions Award Winner 2018

Anders Gustafsson – CTF Karlstad

SERVSIG says congratulations

Note: Christopher Lovelock passed away on February 24, 2008. Christopher was a founding father of the services marketing field and he was recognized around the world as a leading authority on service management. Christopher was very important to many people in our academic community and he will be greatly missed!


  • Candidates for a SERVSIG Award do not have to be a member of SERVSIG or the AMA to be eligible or to win.
  • Candidates may be from anywhere in the world. From the beginning, SERVSIG has sought to be globally oriented and globally active.
  • Candidates for the awards do not have to be academics. SERVSIG recognizes the vital link between academe and business practice.

