26th International Conference on
Recent Advances In Retailing And Services Science
July 8-10, 2019
Radisson Blue Hotel Talinn Estonia
The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars from various disciplines and countries interested in retailing and consumer services. Over the years the conference has attracted scholars from disciplines such as marketing, psychology, urban planning, transportation, management, geography etc from across the world. The conference gives delegates an opportunity to present their completed projects but also to present work in progress.
Papers on any topic relevant to progress in retailing and consumer services (tourism, recreation, banking, aspects of transportation, etc.) are welcome. Topics of special interest include:
- consumer behaviour
- e-commerce
- business strategy
- distribution channels
- policy aspects
- logistics
- franchising
- segmentation
- service quality
- globalization
- geographical information systems
- service branding
- location-based services
- social media
- merchandising, pricing, advertising
- salesforce management
Those interested in presenting a paper are invited to send an abstract to:
Soora Rasouli & Harry Timmermans RARCS Conference Chairs and Co-editors JRCS E-mail: conference@rarcs.com
Because capacity is limited, submitting an abstract indicates that at least one of the authors will attend the conference, should the abstract be accepted. If you cannot guarantee this for some reason when you submit the abstract, please let us know as it allows us to manage this uncertainty on a personalized basis in the best possible way.
The conference accepts both work in progress and completed work. All abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts in digital format. In addition, participants are stimulated to submit full papers or a 6-8 pages extended abstract. These will be made available in the proceedings, made available on a memory stick. We are not asking for any transfer of copyrights; authors can still submit these papers to journals for publication. Submitted papers automatically qualify for an award competition.
As editors of the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, we also invite you to submit your full paper for consideration in this journal via the EVISE website. Note that acceptance rates for the journal are lower than for the conference. If accepted, it will be published as a regular submission, giving higher credibility than as a special issue.
The conference will start with registration, late afternoon on Monday July 8th, 2019 followed by a welcome reception. Sessions will start on Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 and continue until noon July 11th. Approximately 20 minutes will be available for presentation of a paper.
Participants interested in organising a special session are invited to send their proposal to the e-mail address above. Proposals should include: (a) a detailed description of the proposed session; (b) a list of the proposed speakers; (c) whether speakers have agreed to participate if the proposal is accepted; and (d) the names and addresses of the chairperson and discussants, if any. Sessions are typically organised in blocks of 4-6 presentations. If you have sufficient papers for a special issue, we are happy to publish it as a special issue of JRCS, subject to standard review and quality standards.
We plan to notify delegates by December 1, 2018 at the latest about the acceptance of their work for presentation at the conference. Delegates are expected to arrange their registration and conference fees before February 1, 2019 to guarantee accommodation and enjoy reduced room prices. Note that July in Talinn is high season.
1198 Euros before February 1, 2019; 1598 Euros after this date. The package includes participation, documentation, proceedings, book of abstracts, three nights of deluxe accommodation (arrival: July 8th – departure: July 11th, 2019), tea and coffee breaks, lunches, conference dinner, all taxes and service charges. A limited number of pre and post-conference rooms is available at discounted rates, subject to availability. It is advisable to inform us if you need any pre-or post conference nights when submitting the abstract to avoid disappointment. The sooner we know, the higher the chance we can arrange a larger room block if needed.
AWARD: Full papers compete for the Elsevier Most Innovative Paper Award.
Lonely Planet describes Talinn as “It’s lively yet peaceful, absurdly photogenic and bursting with wonderful sights – ancient churches, medieval streetscapes and noble merchants’ houses. Throw in delightful food and vibrant modern culture and it’s no wonder Tallinn seems in danger of being loved to death, especially after a few cruise ships dock”. Consider a day trip to Helsinki if you have not been there before.