The Journal of Service Management is delighted to announce this year’s award winners. The awards were handed out on this years SERVSIG conference in Paris

JOSM – 2017 – Robert Johnston Awards

Showcasing the diversity of service research: Theories, methods, and success of service articles (Vol.28,5., pp810-836)
Sabine Benoit, Katrin Scherschel, Zelal Ates, Linda Nasr, Jay Kandampully

Highly Commended Papers

Does One size fit all? New service development across different types of services (Vol.28,2.,pp329-347)
Elina Jaakkola, Thomas Meiren, Lars Witell, Bo Edvardsson, Adrienne Schafer, Javier Reynoso, Roberta Sebastiani, Doris Weitlaner.

Internet of Things: understanding trust in techno-service systems (Vol.28,3., pp476-498)
Tracy Harwood, Tony Garry.

Accelerating employee-related scholarship in service management: Research streams, propositions, and commentaries (Vol.28,5., pp837-865)
Mahesh Subramony, Karen Ehrhart, Markus Groth, Brooks C. Holtom, Danielle D. van Jaarsveld, Dana Yagil, Tiffany Darabi, David Walker, David E. Bowen, Raymond P. Fisk, Christian Gronroos, Jochen Wirtz.

Exploring the impact of rewarded social media engagement in loyalty programs (Vol.28,2.,pp305-328)
Lena-Marie Rehnen, Silke Bartsch, Marina Kull, Anton Meyer.

Best Reviewer Awards

Katrien Verleye
Professor of Service Innovation & Innovation Management
Center for Service Intelligence – University of Gent, Belgium.


Andreas MUNZEL
Associate Professor of Marketing
Université Toulouse, 31042 Toulouse, France.


