Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (CQ) has recently revised its editorial policy regarding the use of previous reviews from other journals.  Authors of manuscripts rejected by another journal can now submit revisions of those rejected papers to CQ along with supplemental files containing the previous editorial decision and reviews, a detailed response to those editor and reviewer comments, and the original version of the paper that was rejected. If the reviews are sufficiently thoughtful and helpful, CQ’s editor will base his decision on the previous editorial letter, reviews, response and revision without seeking additional reviews.  Assuming that such a rejected paper has merit and is consistent with CQ’s focus on hospitality and tourism, then authors have a real chance of getting a different decision from CQ than they did from the original journal because CQ has a different set of priorities, standards, and set of submissions to select from and its editor may evaluate the paper and reviewer comments differently. In fact, CQ’s editor will face much less pressure than the original editor to agree with the reviewers because he will not know those reviewers’ identities or be likely to need their help with future reviews.  Of course, bad papers will be rejected by CQ too, so authors are encouraged to submit only manuscripts that they are confident make large and meaningful contributions to our understanding of hospitality and tourism management.

The Cornell Hospitality Quarterly (CQ) is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that is published quarterly in association with the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration and the newly formed Cornell College of Business. CQ aims to be a source of the best advances in theory and/or research relevant to management of the hospitality industry broadly defined to include all businesses or other organizations involved in the transport, accommodation, feeding, entertainment, and caretaking of voluntary travelers away from home. Papers and research notes on any topic, from any discipline and using any methodology are welcome provided they sufficiently advance our understanding of how to manage hospitality businesses and organizations.

CQ has the following attractive attributes:

  • 2.41 ISI Impact Factor in 2015,
  • 10% acceptance rate in 2016,
  • 75% desk-rejection rate in 2016 (with desk rejections usually made within 3 days of submission),
  • 31 day average turnaround time on first submissions sent out for review,
  • an active editor who is not a vote counter,
  • a policy of handling R&R’s without sending them back to the reviewers, and
  • a policy of accepting and using existing reviews from other journals (when provided by authors – see more details below).

Among the marketing scholars who have published an article in (or have in-press articles at) CQ are:

  • Richard Bagozzi
  • James Brown
  • Bob Cialdini
  • Joseph Cronin
  • Aimee Drolet Rossi
  • John Gourville
  • Kevin Keller
  • Kathryn LaTour
  • Vithala Rao
  • Dilip Soman
  • Clay Vorhees
  • Brian Wansink
  • Youjae Yi
  • Gerald Zaltman


Mike Lynn,
Editor of CQ

