Co-creation in Service and Customer Engagement Symposium (CCIS-CE) 2016
Harnackhaus, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael Kleinaltenkamp, A, Prof. Ingo Karpen, Dr. Jodie Conduit and Dr. Tom Chen
CCIS-CE Experience
The aim of the symposium is to bring together leading scholars to discuss emerging research in the fields of Co-creation and Customer Engagement in a highly intimate, productive environment. As well as key presentations, the symposium will be comprised of roundtable discussions and workshop sessions to facilitate papers around our theme of bridging and transcending co-creation and engagement.
Symposium Theme
Over the past decade, research addressing the concepts of co-creation and customer engagement has increasingly taken a predominant role in marketing literature. Both concepts reflect a changing paradigm in marketing thought, with an emphasis on interaction and experiences in broader service networks. However, as the literature on both concepts develops further there is a high degree of convergence. Conceptual and empirical research into co-creation and engagement, has reached an important juncture. It is important for the discipline to determine and articulate the distinction between these closely aligned concepts, explore their interplay, and understand their distinct and combined influence. Only then can we further understand the customer experience through the conceptualization of engagement and co-creation.
About CCIS-CE 2016
From June 5 to June 8, 2016, the Marketing Department of Freie Universität Berlin will host the “Co-Creation in Service and Customer Engagement Symposium” (CCIS-CE 2016).
The workshop will follow CCIS-CE 2015 ( and will take place at the “Harnackhaus” in Berlin, the conference venue of the German Max-Planck-Association ( The event will start with a reception in the garden of the Marketing Department villa (Arnimallee 11, D-14195 Berlin) in the evening of June 5, 2016. The two events will be linked closely. Based on the ideas and outlines for articles developed at CCIS-CE 2015, further work on the papers, data gathering etc. will be done in between the two workshops with the aim to present the status of the papers at CCIS-CE 2016 and to finalize the publication process afterwards. Furthermore, new joint projects should be initiated at CCIS-CE 2016. The Berlin symposium will be co-sponsored by the Center for International Cooperation (CIC) of Freie Universität Berlin, the University of Adelaide, the University of Newcastle and RMIT University Melbourne.
Important Dates
Expression of interest due: Friday 18 March 2016
Registration closes: Friday 22 April 2016
CCIS-CE 2016 Symposium Dates: Sunday to Tuesday 5 – 8 June 2016
Please note that this symposium has a strict limit on the number of attendees and we may not be able to accommodate all interested parties. If you’re interested in attending this conference please email
and include the following details:
Full name:
Research Interests:
Co-creation, Customer Engagement, both or other (please specify):
Email address:
Online Research Profile web address e.g., ResearchGate, Google Scholar, etc (optional, if applicable):
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