SERVSIG and the digital media lab @ UMass Boston are proud to announce the winner of the inaugural Emerging Service Scholar Award 2015.
The award recognizes contributions to advancing the study of service research, and will be given annually to honor the contributions of a researcher in the earlier stages of his or her academic career. The award is given annually and is presented at the Frontiers in Services Conference. The award includes a cash prize and is sponsored by the digital media lab @ UMass Boston.
The digital media lab @ UMass Boston is a research center founded in 2014 at the University of Massachusetts Boston under the leadership of Werner Kunz. The mission of the center is to turn the research and intellectual capital of academia on digital marketing, social media, and innovative media services into insights for real-world application. The center fosters a global community of researchers, practitioners, students, and alumni to advance new knowledge, widespread learning, and impactful dialogue on the challenges of a new digital media era. SERVSIG thanks this years committee members for their commitment and their work:
Ray Fisk (Texas State, chair committee), Kay Lemon (Boston College), Jochen Wirtz (NU Singapore), Tracey Danaher (Monash), Lloyd Harris (Warwick)
Based on the proposals from the community and a defined procedure the award committees chose the recipient. The past years winners can be checked out here.
SERVSIG Emerging Service Scholar Award 2015
(sponsored by the digital media lab @ UMass Boston)
Elisabeth Brüggen – Maastricht University
Clay Voorhees – Michigan State University
say congrats here !!!
SERVSIG says congratulations
Recipients of the SERVSIG Emerging Service Scholar Award should have their doctoral degree up to 10 years prior to the year of the award or be nominated for the award in the last two years. Other eligibility issues:
– Candidates for a SERVSIG Award do not have to be a member of SERVSIG or the AMA to be eligible to win.
– Candidates may be from anywhere in the world. From the beginning, SERVSIG has sought to be globally oriented and globally active.