Call for Papers
Electronic Commerce Research
Special Issue on
Service and Manufacturing Innovations in e-Business Platforms
Theme and Scope
E-business continues to fundamentally transform traditional industries and markets, and creates unprecedented service and manufacturing innovations. Examples in service domains include online peer-to-peer lending, crowd funding, open innovation, healthcare exchanges, O2O, and many more (Angst and Agarwal 2009; Leimeister; Huber et al. 2009; Herzenstein, Sonenshein et al. 2011; Duarte, Siegel et al. 2012; Zhang and Liu 2012). E-business has also created opportunities as well as challenges for manufacturing industries. For example, today’s manufactures have to decide if the firm should offer products through e-business channels and, if so, how the operations for the e-business channels would differ from the traditional channels. Besides, the e-business environment has opened up opportunities for manufacturers to share and receive real-time information, streamline relationships with suppliers and customers, and increase the speed, flexibility, and efficiency of the production process. These e-business related innovations provide rich contexts for researchersto investigate a variety of research questions. This special issue aims to seek original research to understand the technological, economical, managerial, and behavioral issues of these service and manufacturing innovations in e-business platforms. The papers will be peer reviewed and will be selected on the basis of their quality and relevance to the theme of this special issue. Papers using different methodologies, such as mathematical modeling, empirical research, experiments, and case studies are invited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Internet Finance (including peer-to-peer lending, crowdfunding)
- Cloud computing and big data for services and manufacturing
- Open innovations for e-business
- Online to Offline Marketing
- Information sharing in e-business environment
- Manufacturing and re-manufacturing strategies for e-business
- Distribution channels and product variety of e-business
- E-logistics management
- Relationship governance in supply chains in e-business environment
Instructions for Manuscripts
Guidelines for preparation of the manuscripts are provided at the Electronic Commerce Research website. Manuscripts (pdf and source files) must be directly emailed to the Corresponding Guest Editors – Dr. Xin Luo ( and Dr. Fujun Lai ( or with the indication that the submission is for the Special Issue on “E-business Innovations”. The manuscript should include a title page containing the title of paper, full names and affiliations, complete postal and electronic addresses, an abstract and some keywords. Submissions not in compliance with the guidance will not be considered for review.
Important Dates
- Manuscript submission deadline: July 1, 2015
- Notification of Acceptance/Rejection/Revision: September 01, 2015
- Revised paper due: December 01, 2015
- Final paper submission deadline: February 01, 2016
- Tentative Publication Date: 3rd or 4th Quarter, 2016
Guest Editors
Dr. Fujun Lai
College of Business
The University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Email: or
Dr. Xin (Robert) Luo
Anderson School of Management
The University of New Mexico, USA
Angst, C. M. and R. Agarwal (2009). “Adoption of electronic health records in the presence of privacy concerns: The elaboration likelihood model and individual persuasion.” MIS Quarterly 33(2): 339-370.
Duarte, J., S. Siegel and L. Young (2012). “Trust and credit: The role of appearance in peer-to-peer lending.” Review of Financial Studies 25(8): 2455-2484.
Herzenstein, M., S. Sonenshein and U. M. Dholakia (2011). “Tell me a good story and i may lend you money: The role of narratives in peer-to-peer lending decisions.” Journal of Marketing Research 48 (SPL): S138-S149.
Leimeister, J. M., M. Huber, U. Bretschneider and H. Krcmar (2009). “Leveraging Crowdsourcing: Activation-Supporting Components for IT-Based Ideas Competition.” Journal of Management Information Systems 26 (1): 197-224.
Zhang, J. J. and P. Liu (2012). “Rational herding in microloan markets.” Management Science 58(2): 892-912.