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Latest News

Why You Should Attend the 13th IRSSM in Mauritius?

Guest article by Yupal Shukla. An Unmissable Global Platform for Service Marketing Scholars, The International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM) has been at the forefront of service marketing and...

A Journey of Intellectual Curiosity – But Why?

Guest article by Dhruv Grewal, Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Service Disciple Award Recipient 2024. Once more, let me express my sincere appreciation to the AMA ServSig for this...

David Ballantyne in Memoriam

Guest article by Christian Grönroos, Kristina Heinonen, and Helena Renström. David Ballantyne passed away on 29 September 2024, at the age of 83. Born on 26 November 1940 in Melbourne,...

Impressions from LTAS 2024

Guest article by Dominik Mahr and Kars Mennens. Looking back at the Let’s Talk About Service (LTAS) 2024 conference in Maastricht fills the organizing committee—Dominik Mahr, Kars Mennens, Tijana Lovrinovic,...

JSTP Expression of Interest

Call for Expressions of InterestAssociate EditorsJournal of Service Theory and Practice (JSTP) The Journal of Service Theory and Practice (JSTP) is one of the top ranked and long established journals...

Service Articles in Non-Service-Specific Journals: Dec 24

Today, we identify service articles published in Marketing, Management, Operations, Productions, Information Systems, and Practitioner-Oriented Journals in the last months. For more information about the alert system methodology, go here For all previous...

Zero Complaints – the Path to Continuous Value Creation

Guest article by Moshe Davidow. I sat back to relax and listen to a webinar by Dave Murray from the DiJulius group talk about Service Recovery. I needed to hear...

Articles in Service Journals – Nov 2024

Considered Service-specific journals were Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Service Industries Journal, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, and Service Science. For...

Service Articles in Non-Service-Specific Journals: Oct-Nov 24

Today, we identify service articles published in Marketing, Management, Operations, Productions, Information Systems, and Practitioner-Oriented Journals in the last months. For more information about the alert system methodology, go here For all previous...

PhD position: Marketing and Service Management (Hanken, Finland)

The Department of Marketing and the Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management (CERS), Hanken School of Economics, Finland PhD Position Application deadline: 9 January 2025 (3 p.m.) Are you...

My Academic Role Model: Kaisa Koskela-Huotari

Guest article by Kaisa Koskela-Huotari for our My Academic Role Model series. When I first sat down to consider the question of my academic role models, I was surprised by how challenging...

The Evolution of Economic Thinking: Toward Responsible and Inclusive Growth

Guest article by Tor W. Andreassen. Economic thinking has undergone a remarkable transformation over the centuries, moving from classical notions of efficiency to modern concepts of equity, sustainability, and shared...